These projects are still growing, we can’t wait to watch them bloom!
We promote regenerative agri-cultural practices. On our demonstrative farm we work to cultivate healthy fertile soil using compost to implement sustainable soil management practices and to improve the nutritional quality of our produce. We also uphold cultural practices of organic farming that have been successful in nourishing both plants and animals.
We believe all living and nonliving elements of the earth are interconnected.
We support the improvement of social, economic and spiritual wellbeing of communities. We consider all systems to be interconnected and seek to maintain balance through alignment with ecological systems.
April 22-24
join us for this weekend long educational fun filled event where we will engage in a hands on learning experience to build a aquaponics farming system. If you are interested in learning how aquaponics can be used as a business opportunity or want to add to your family food supply, and if you are looking to live off the grid, then this workshop is for you.
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May 13
Join us as we attune our rhythm in nature.
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May 30 - June 10
Students ages 5-10 will engage in hands on learning experiences in nature.
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The Regenerative Institute of Community Education supports community development through education for sustainable development (ESD) frameworks. Click here to learn more →
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